Bidii Savings Account

This is a savings bank account allowing customers more flexibility in account transactions. It also offers flexible options for running various types of accounts; namely:
Personal account; for an individual.
Joint account; for 2 or 3 people.
Trust account; for a child below 18 years of age under care of a Public Trustee, a company or a legally constituted body.
- Affordable opening balance.
- One – off Visa debit card processing fee of Kshs. 600/=.
- Minimum operating balance of Kshs. 200/=
- No maintenance/ledger fee.
- Free annual statement.
- Attractive tax free interest; graduated on account balances.
- Tax free interest.
- Paperless banking thus no queues.
- Allows you 24 hour access to your funds at any Postbank/ Kenswitch & all VISA branded ATMs.
- Services available in any Postbank branch and Mashinani agents’ outlets countrywide.
- Original and copy of ID (national ID/valid passport).
- Minimum opening balance of Kshs.800/=.