Internet Banking

This service is available to individuals, groups, companies and businesses that have accounts with Postbank. To register, you are requested to visit any Postbank branch.
Benefits of Internet Banking include:
- Allows you to check account balances
- Carry out funds transfer to other Postbank Accounts
- Transfers to Mobile Network Operator (MNO) wallets
- Pay bills
- Purchase Airtime
- Funds transfer to other banks via Pesa-Link (KITS) platform (Once rollout by Kenya Banks Association (KBA)
- And many more services
Registration for Internet Banking - Local Customers
- For local customers, visit any Postbank branch and register for the service
- Then Complete Internet Banking registration forms
- A password will be sent to your email after successful registration
NOTE: All information relayed between the Customer and the Bank is encrypted (made unreadable).